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Fontana AYSO Region 136

Playoff Information for 10U-14U only

Regional Playoffs are participation of additional competitive play after the season is over as a reward for those teams that participated 100% of required duties for the region.  
Unless your team has successfully earned ALL Playoff Points, they will not be invited to attend. 

Coaches, parents and players: Please ensure that you have read the playoff rules below.

**Every team Must obtain one NEW referee in order to qualify for Playoffs.**
This referee is required to referee at least 4 games

Point system consists of earning at least
40 Playoff Points for the season,
per team to advance to playoffs.

-12 volunteer points AND 28 referee points -
these are two separate types of points.

Referee Info

If you are wanting to participate in Playoffs, your will need to have
Referee Points.

For information on how to Become a Referee click here to go to
Referee Training Page. 


Regional Playoffs Rules of Advancement

Playoffs are played after Fall Season. Your team is guaranteed at least 2 more games and will consist of competition-type games. If your team wins 1st and 2nd Place in their division, they will receive Region Medals and may be invited to attend Area Playoffs. 

Point system consists of earning at least 40 Playoff Points for the season, per team, to advance to playoffs
12 volunteer points AND 28 referee points – these are two separate types of points.

  • REFEREE POINTS: Your team can earn up to 4 points a week for officiating games. The last 2 weeks, the maximum will increase to 5 points.  Only certified referees, who have completed the course and who arrive in complete uniform, will be able to receive these points. Points are available as follows: 

    • 2 points as a Referee (in 10U-14U divisions only) Last game of the day, will be earn 3 points
    • 1 Point as a Referee in 6U-8U games  

    • 1 Point as an Assistant Referee Last game of the day, will be earn 2 points

For Intermediate or above referees, you will be allowed to earn points with the following (only if your child is assigned to a team):

  • 2 Points as AR and 3 points as Referee for Upper Division games*
  • 2 points to attend an Intermediate or Advanced Referee course*
  • 2 points after completing necessary requirements to upgrade their badge to Intermediate or Advanced Referee*

  *these points  will not count as part of 4 point max per week

  • Sign-ups for games will be available thru CGI sports only. Remember, first come first serve, so sign up early. Referees can give points to whomever team they desire, (except Upper Division), thus able to referee multiple games, however, once a referee ( not assigned to a team) decides to earn points for that team, they cannot give points to other team/coach. Referees are 12 years and older. 

    *NOTE: Your team will be given referee assignments during playoffs if you advance. Please ensure that you have at least 2 referees to help your team during Playoffs or your team will be deducted points and/or forfeit a match.

    VOLUNTEER POINTS: The 12 volunteer points consist of helping the region anywhere it is needed on Saturdays and/or other events. You need to SIGN-IN and OUT at check-in tables.  NO CHILDREN   under 18 yrs. old, ARE ALLOWED TO VOLUNTEER for points, as we do not want children having confrontations with adults or having them pick up trash. You cannot choose your task; the task will be assigned to you. Some of the tasks may include:  

    • Game Day Set-up (includes but not limited to bringing and setting up goals/flags from storage shed, check-in tables and any other equipment)
    • Marking / Painting of fields (usually happens during the week or before games @ 6am)
    • Snack Bar assistance  (set-up, cooking, cleaning and/or restocking)
    • Picking up trash around all fields
    • Field monitors assigned as crowd control and extra eyes in case of any incidents (usher out vendors/animals)
  • • Parking lot attendant 
    • Packing up goals and equipment at end of games into storage shed  (may include breaking down of goals and nets) 
    • Help at Check-in tables (handing out important info)

    *You cannot volunteer during your child’s game. Please come before or after their game to volunteer. Volunteer sign-in sheet will be verified for accuracy.

    The point system is as follows; each team is allowed 2 points a week and 1 hour of volunteer work equals 1 point (1 hour = 1 point). You will have to go to check in tables at whatever time you are available. 


    • Referee points will be appointed to team written on back of Game Cards with Referee Names; if your points are not awarded on the Game Cards, your points will be lost. 
    • Referee points cannot be "pooled" or transferred to another team at a later date (once team has points, cannot be changed later to have extra points awarded to another team to help them advance) 
    • For cancelled games, points will be awarded only to the referees that signed up for a game. You will be awarded the points for which position you signed up for only and after you notify Regional Referee Administrator which team you would like to your point(s) to be awarded to. 

    • Upper Division points will be added to overall points after the Upper Division season is over. Please see Ref Admin if you are interested, as more points are awarded and some games are during weeknights.


    • Games cancelled due to acts of nature; i.e.  rain, wind or anything beyond the Region's control. 
    • Helping out as a clubs linesman (side line flag and no uniform) during your own or any other game
    • Getting caught watching or volunteering during your child's game while holding the title of Field Monitor or picking up trash.
    • Not doing a full hour of volunteer work (cannot break up hour between 2 people i.e. 30 mins each)
    • Not signing out on the Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet
    • Having any young child or an AYSO player pick-up trash instead of the person that signed up. 


    Do not wait until last games to volunteer; remember to start early as possible in the season, as games may be cancelled due to winds that start up unexpectedly in Fontana. 

    *We try our best to see all available options to re-scheduled cancelled games; however, this may not be possible at times due to field availability, and/or game number in the season.


• We require the most help before and after games, for set-up and take down of equipment.

• Points are for coaches, referees and parents to earn. Do not let one person do all the work. Remember, you are a team

• Please remember your team number, i.e. 10UB-06.  If you write team # incorrectly, you will lose the points or it will go to the wrong team. Points cannot be erased from a team that has already been assigned the points. Points will not be changed unless it is the Region's mistake.

Every week, points will be posted on our regional website at For discrepancies, notify point keeper Carmen Orantes at [email protected] and remember you only have before next scheduled game to challenge points. 

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Contact Us

Fontana AYSO Region 136

11251 Sierra Ave, PMB #2E-348
Fontana, California 92337

Email Us: [email protected]
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